Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cold...desolate...Capital chaos. Seattle has lots of crack. I thought Philly had crack. But I guess that's just in the bell. Well Seatown's got it on every corner, every nook and cranny, every doorstep and doorway and sidewalk bench. There's also lots of rusty bikes. And is gloomy. Rae and I finally ditched the coffee shops and napped on couches curled up like little kittens because we were freezing even under the blankets. I think that's because I somehow used the biggest blanket as a pillow. Oops!! And then the dismal daytime turned into funtime with Champagne, Champagne! Tigerbeat, Hoop Dreams, Hi-Deaf and Case One played some awesome sets and the best thing was people actually danced. Not just a little shuffle, shuffle sway. Motherfuckers in Seattle can get down.
Pearl and the guys put on an amazing show and even flaunted the mic around a bit for me rhyming about Champagne and Shadowscene. Ooh the hits to come. The best was the surprise of The Lashes boys coming out and getting to see them all. Eric and I played with pumpkins and stuff and then I somehow ended up having a pumpkin photo shoot in the bathroom. How these things happen I'll never know. I blame it on aliens. Photos may tell the story better so check 'em out!

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