Friday, October 05, 2007

Wake up. Just did...from a killer nap. One of those naps where you wake up and don't know what day it is or where you're suppose to be and hardly remember laying down to begin with. One of those, oh, I'm just gonna shut my eyes for just ... one...second. Zzzzzz.
Life's hectic. Just kicked off the Shadowscene tour yesterday with my boys TJ and Frederik of Datarock. They played a killer show in Costa Mesa at the Detroit bar. Rae came with me to hang in OC and we yet again came up with a million projects and rad things that we have to do. Everything turns into a hilarious mission with us it seems. Oh...and someone remind me NOT to eat avocado. Apparently I'm still allergic, ouch.
Sleepyhead is wearing off. It's colder outside. And dark. Tomorrow is Detour festival. I'm about to spend the next three nights with those darn French Ed Bangers again...including Justice, Busy P, DJ Mehdi and more. Sunday I'll be joyriding in the bus with the gang all the way to Tijuana for what I'm sure will be absolutely mind melting adrenaline foreign fun. Ay caramba!! Not to mention the fact that the tv crew will be riding my ankles for some video documentation of the tour as well. Oh boy!
Starting Sunday the tour updates will be posted up on so there'll be daily updates of what the hell I'm doing. I'm sure most of those blogs will be written on 2 hours of sleep, no sleep, drunken stupors or painful after party woes. In other words, they'll be a brain tickler for sure.
Oh yeah...and today sucked because I had to buy yet again, another new camera. I do believe a Shadowscene fundraiser is in order. Or maybe someone can write a sweet letter to the girl that dumped her drink on my gear and enclose a bill with the note. That'd be rad too.

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