Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm so damn tired it's ridiculous...especially since I stayed in last night. Although, I suppose two trips to Vegas, 8 nights of shooting in a row and working yesterday from 10am until 1am this morning will do that to you. Tonight I'm off to shoot in the Har Mar Superstar music video. ALee and I will be caravaning over to the location and sipping on free cocktails and snackin' on free treats for a few hours before roaming out elsewhere. I absolutely love music video sets. Super matter what really. And what's better than hanging with Har Mar on set? Pffft! Plus...Check Yo' vs. Hang the DJ's is tomorrow with some great friends of mine performing...which means the continued release of nuttiness!!! My Boston boys, Protokoll, finally hit LA where they'll be hanging out for a few weeks and I'm so damn excited to see them! Plus, the VHS or Beta guys get here as well, so tomorrow night will be nothing short of mayhem. And of course, next week I get a visit from the VICE crew and Kaps. Shenanigans galore! Strap on your seatbelts; we're gonna go really, really fast!
And, an update on those awesome Deadly Syndrome boys. After spending so much time together in the spring we finally get to hang again next week. Their first album, The Ortolan, has released and not only that, but the funny dudes have even developed a series of short videos to go along with it all. Here's one of my faves.

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