Wednesday, June 06, 2007

LIKE WHOA whoa. Last night I was photo shoot free, and rather than sit at home and edit the same ole' shit, I went out to see two bad bands, and one rad band simply because of the singer (gotta be honest here). Hung around eatin' fries with Dirty and Lee and then sent them packing cause they were sick as in ill, and somehow took to the stage...for two hours. DJing, rapping, freestyling, irish jigging, whatever to keep the few roamers entertained. I don't know how it got started really, other than the fact that Sam's was gettin' a bit quiet...and I was feeling a bit dismal and creatively frustrated. Plus, Stevie had thrown out the suggestion of some ghetto, well, I guess that's how it all got started. Although, apparently, this two hours of sassyness with Stevie has now evolved into a weekly 'non' karaoke event. Yes, hosted by Shadowscene and Stevie. Oh so dysfunctional. But...what isn't? you can come out and see a couple of folks make some amazing...aka bad karaoke for you...and you'll love it. It's practically a stand up comedian routine...and if you don't love it, you'll beg to get on stage and show us up. Cause damn it...apparently we never went to Computer Camp...and if you were there last'd know what I was blogging...ahem' rapping about. Rap this out...go next week...and listen...laugh. Maybe free yourself up a bit in the presence of strangers. And don't be surprised if I frown on your tootsie roll dance or make you give it up on stage. It's nice not being quiet for once.

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