Saturday, February 09, 2008

And this is what I wrote last night:

Cause why not?

I once had a Professer named Whynott. I always said, errr asked,...'cause Whynott?! And then I got funny looks in class.

tonight i fall asleep with headphones on
because the world is a dark blurry mess
sometimes you see everything
sometimes you're blind to what's right
in front
of your face
and then a hard slap wakes you up
and you wonder

why a smog of delusional fun can last long enough
to drag you around by the weaves of your own
crocheted existence and then you remember
to remind yourself that you
are you and only you can clearly focus on what
is truly important

but may mean shit to others.

see what is illuminated
and focus on what is hidden in corners
and dark shadows of false bliss.

and then...wake up.

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