Thursday, February 14, 2008

The last 35+ hours have been nonstop travel. Ouch. From hot sunny Los Angeles to freezing cold Tokyo to pouring rain to snow to windy ass Osaka. And three hours of sleep. But I'm here, I made it! Also, with the nonstop travel I'm now super accustomed to changing pants on planes and buses. It proves to be quite interesting when scrambling in my seat to change my leggings in a dash. Since I've only really settled for about an hour there's not too much to tell yet other than there are lots of cute vending machines here and free tea and ice cream. Deliciousness. And the chocolate is great. Especially since I don't like chocolate. What's in these candy bars out here!!?

Here are a few recaps posted previously...
(from Wed night/Thurs in Tokyo)
I finally made it to Tokyo where I'm staring at the weirdest concoction of food in the large (by Japanese standards) but cutest lil apartment in the city. The best is the sweet view of the Tokyo tower I have.

45mins from now and back to traveling...8 hour bus ride to Osaka and then a day of bath houses until the party tomorrow night. And by tomorrow I mean Friday...because it's already 9pm on Thursday here. Ouch.

And its coooold!

(from Thurs afternoon/Friday morning in Osaka)
So.....I'm finally here in Osaka...and it's snowing and raining and so cold you forget you haven't slept in 32 hours.

Thanks for all the good wishes and stuff...and hopefully there'll be a ton of pics to post tomorrow. Haven't done much yet other than jet set and steal blankets along the way.

And I'm drinking like corn juice soup or some shit. Everything comes out of an automatic dispenser here...

xoxoxoxo / Miss you guys!

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