Friday, September 01, 2006

It's hazy. It's hot. It's wild. This week has been nuts!!! Last weekend was the Sunset Junction yearly festival. So Sunday, I decided to drop by, or sneak in, and run around with some friends. Yummy food, flashy lights, and random run-ins with strangers and their pets. Good times! We pretty much skipped out on all the bands, but what the heck, it was more about the joy of aimlessly wandering around.
Then, Tuesday night was insane! Matt & Kim played an amazing show at Check Yo' Ponytail with Kill Hannah. Plus, the lovely girls from Rocket are back in town...(yay!!!) and we all celebrated with a homecoming show. Lots of tequila shots chased by Corona. Wheee. Other than that, I've been playing a bit of catch up this week...tee-shirts are flying outta here like a crazy-winged bat. Or something. And I think I'm sinking into a photo collage of life. But now, I'm back and ready for tonights RAPTURE at the Hear Gallery!!! It should be absolutely nuts, especially considering they just renovated the venue and got a new AC and larger bar. Holy crap. I don't know if you know, but that place typically leaves you covered in about a million other people's gallons of sweat. And you're guarenteed to leave with a perm. But no more!! Not tonight! There shall be dancing, and a bit of sweatiness. But no more boiler room action. Sweet...sweaty...disco dancin'. Yes.

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